Clay on the Fly 4-H Fly-Fishing Club Hits a Home Run at Gunner’s Ranch!

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The Clay on the Fly 4-H Fly-Fishing Club recently enjoyed an exhilarating day of fishing, thanks to the generous hospitality of Jan and Joe Griggs at Gunner’s Ranch. The event was a hit from the moment the first cast was made, with members reeling in catfish at a rapid pace. The excitement was palpable as participants struggled to keep track of the ever-growing catch.The fun didn’t stop at fishing; attendees were also invited to hand-feed catfish in one of the ranch’s smaller ponds. One adventurous club member even ventured into the pond, getting up close with an albino catfish and experiencing the thrill of the “feeding frenzy” firsthand.
Jan Griggs captured the spirit of the day perfectly with her remark: “This is what life is all about—helping the youth to have a great time and enjoying some family fun!” The Clay on the Fly 4-H Fly-Fishing Club is incredibly grateful for community supporters like Jan and Joe Griggs, who make such memorable experiences possible.With the success and enjoyment of this event, it’s possible that this could become an
annual tradition for the club. The Clay on the Fly 4-H Fly-Fishing Club is open to all youth from 6th grade through 18years old. The club meets every other Thursday from 3:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. at the Clay CountyBoard of Education building in Hayesville, NC. For more information or to join, please contactClay County 4-H Agent Kiffney Stokes at (828) 389-6305 .

FishZeke Rogers and Greg Charles fishing Zeke Rogers and Greg Charles waiting patiently for a bite.