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Meet Our Staff
County Extension Director
play_circle_filledKim TerrellClay County Extension Director / Macon County Extension Agent, FCS Call KimEmail KimClay County Center4-H Youth Development
Kiffney StokesExtension Agent, 4-H Youth Development Call KiffneyEmail KiffneyClay County CenterAgriculture and Natural Resources
Adam GriffithArea Agent, Community Resource Development Call AdamEmail AdamEBCI County CenterTyler OsbornProgram Assistant, Agriculture Call TylerEmail TylerClay County CenterSupport
Kelli MillerCounty Extension Administrative Assistant, Support Call KelliEmail KelliClay County CenterRegional Positions
Area Specialized Agents specialize in specific areas of agriculture and natural resource management and serve many counties. Area 4-H Agents provide support to county based 4-H programs. While their knowledge and expertise is available to residents of Clay County Center, they may not be present in the Clay County Center. Please contact the Clay County Center for assistance and initial consultation.
Stephen BishopWestern Director, NC FarmLink Call StephenEmail Stephen Marissa CohenArea Specialized Agent, Agriculture - Animal Food Safety Call MarissaEmail Marissa Marti DayArea Specialized Agent, Agriculture - Dairy Call MartiEmail Marti Tom DysonArea Specialized Agent, Agromedicine Call TomEmail Tom Nathan GatlinArea Specialized Agent - Forestry Call NathanEmail Nathan Lauren GreeneArea Specialized Agent, Agriculture - Poultry Call LaurenEmail Lauren Sam MarshallArea Specialized Agent, Ornamental Nursery & Greenhouse, Western Region Call SamEmail Sam Craig MauneyArea Specialized Agent, Commercial Fruit and Vegetable Production Call CraigEmail Craig Jess MrugalaRegional Area Specialized Agent - Local Food Systems Call JessEmail Jess Ashley RobbinsArea Specialized Agent - Dairy Call AshleyEmail Ashley Elena RogersArea Specialized Agent, Agriculture - Fresh Produce Food Safety (Western NC) Call ElenaEmail Elena George SeldenArea Specialized Agent, Aquaculture Call GeorgeEmail George Mitch WoodwardArea Specialized Agent, Watersheds and Water Quality Call MitchEmail Mitch